Monday, January 31, 2011

2) Three Pictures That Carry A Connection For Me

Out of the ten pictures I posted in the previous blog entry, these three carry a strong connection for me. Each of the pictures has a sort of history in the textures. The shoe in the very most bottom picture has mud on it from where I was walking around that day. The pointe shoe in the middle picture has the history of my ballet classes embedded in the top of the shoe. Finally the textbooks and notebooks in the top picture show the history of their use, consideirng they are torn and tattered. Not only do they all share a connection when it comes to showing their histories through their textures, but they also show a connection consideirng each one of these photos were taken at an odd perspective, or an unnaturual perspective to be viewing these objects at. This perspective makes these three pictures interesting considering the viewer gets a chance to view these objects at a POV that they usually wouldn't be able to view an object at, but as stated before it creates a strong connection between these three pictures.

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